
UCL Department of Economics



Published Journal Articles and Working Papers

  • Correlation neglect in financial decision-making” (with Erik Eyster), 2010.
  • Hidden skewness” (with Ludwig Ensthaler and Olga Nottmeyer), 2010.
  • Beliefs and actions in the trust game: Creating instrumental variables to estimate the causal effect” (with Miguel Costa-Gomes and Steffen Huck), 2010.
  • Do we follow others when we should? A simple test of rational expectations”, 2010, American Economic Review 100, 2340-2360.
  • Narrow bracketing and dominated choices” (with Matthew Rabin), 2009, American Economic Review 99, 1508-1543.
  • Stated beliefs and play in normal form games” (with Miguel Costa-Gomes), 2008, Review of Economic Studies 75, 729-762.
  • Advanced market commitments for vaccines against neglected diseases: Estimating costs and effectiveness” (with Ernst Berndt, Rachel Glennerster, Michael Kremer, Jean Lee, Ruth Levine, and Heidi Williams), 2007, Health Economics 16, 491-511.
  • Are longer cascades more stable?” (with Dorothea Kübler), 2005, Journal of the European Economic Association (Papers and Proceedings) 3, 330-339.
  • Teaching auction strategy using experiments administered via the Internet” (with John Asker, BritGrosskopf, Nick McKinney, Muriel Niederle, and Alvin Roth), 2004, Journal of Economic Education, 35, 330-342.
  • Limited depth of reasoning and failure of cascade formation in the laboratory” (with Dorothea Kübler), 2004, Review of Economic Studies 71, 425-441.

    • Reprinted in: Carbone, E., and C. Starmer (eds.), 2007, New Developments in Experimental Economics – The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Edward Elgar.
    • Also reprinted in: Sadrieh, A., and J. Weimann (eds.), 2008, Experimental Economics in Germany, Austria and Switzerland – A collection of papers in honor of Reinhard Tietz, Metropolis.
  • Information cascades in the labor market” (with Dorothea Kübler), 2003, Journal of Economics 80, 211-229.
  • Ignoring the rationality of others: Evidence from experimental normal-form games”, 2003, Games and Economic Behavior 44, 145-171.
  • Do players correctly estimate what others do? Evidence of conservatism in beliefs” (with Steffen Huck), 2002, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 47, 71-85.
  • Risk, complexity, and deviations from expected value maximization” (with Steffen Huck), 1999, Journal of Economic Psychology 20, 699-715.