
UCL Department of Economics


2016-17 Candidates

Arun Advani

Assistant Professor, Warwick University

Job market paper: Insurance Networks and Endogenous Poverty Traps

Neele Balke

Assistant Professor, IIES (Stockholm University). 2017-18, Post doc University of Chicago

Job market paper: The Employment Cost of Sovereign Default

Vittorio Bassi

Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Southern California

Job market paper: Information Frictions in the Labor Market: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda

Judith Delaney

Post doc, Economic and Social Research Institute

Job Market paper: To Go to College or Not? The Role of Ability, Family Background and Risk

Barbara Flores Arenas

Job market paper: Social interactions among low-income households and female labour force participation

Sanghmitra Gautam

Assistant Professor, Washington University in St Louis.

Job Market paper: Household (Under) Adoption of Sanitation: Externalities and Borrowing Constraints

Cristina Gualdani,

Assistant professor, Toulouse School of Economics

Job market paper: An Econometric Model of Network Formation with an Application to Board Interlocks between Firms

Cormac O'Dea

2017-18 academic year as a Cowles Postdoctoral Associate, Assistant Professor starting 2018, Yale University.

Job market paper: Private Pensions and Public Pension Design

Sandra Polania-Reyes

Visiting fellow at ND during the 2017-2018, U Javeriana in Colombia.

Job market paper: Disentangling Social Capital Lab-in-the-Field Evidence on Coordination, Networks and Cooperation

Paul Andres Rodriquez Lesmes

Del Rosario University (Colombia)

Job market paper: On the economic value of preventive care: a life-cycle model perspective

Wongkot Similan Rujiwattanapong

Assistant Professor, Aarhus University 

Job market paper: Long-term Unemployment Dynamics and Unemployment Insurance Extensions

Federico Tagliati

Economists, Bank of Spain.

Job market paper: Welfare Effects of An In-kind Transfer Program: Evidence from Mexico