
UCL Department of Economics


Phd Summer Conference

5-8 June 2017

*Please note that this event is for Economics Department staff and Phd students only. If you have any questions please contact Daniella Harper.

Room 321

5 June      
11:00 Manuel Alejandro  Estefan Davila "The fall of Mexican manufacturing and the rise of drug cartels"
12:00 Amir Habibi "Motivation and information design"
13:00 Silvia Sarpietro "Microforecasting income processes"
14:00 Dongwoo Kim "Powerful t-Tests in the Presence of Nonclassical Measurement Error"
15:00 Thomas M Pugh "The UK wealth distribution and short term wealth mobility at the top - survey evidence"

Room B03

6 June      
10:00 Barbara
"Like mother, like daughter? Societal determinants of maternal labour supply – Evidence from the German reunification”
11:00 Mimosa
"The effect of business taxes on wages, employment and firms' location"
12:00 Giacomo
"The effect of cash and information provision on early childhood development: The Child Development Grant Programme in Northern Nigeria"
13:00 Ravi
"Subjective performance evaluations, supervisor bias, and the consequences"
14:00 Julen
Ortiz De Zarate Pina
"Social Identity and decision-making under uncertainty"
15:00 Fernanda
Senra De Mou
16:00 Abdullah Selim  Oztek "A characterization for marginal income tax schedules"
 17:00  Carlo Galli
 "Is Inflation Default? The role of information in debt crises"

Room 321

7 June      
10:00 Ruben
Poblete Cazenave
"Holding politicians accountable: Information disclosure and politicians' reaction"
11:00 Peter
"Labour supply responses to a foreseeable change in benefits: Evidence from the UK Child Tax Credit"
12:00 Divya
"Estimating the effects of gender in political hierarchies"
13:00 Richard
"Voter response to mass layoffs: an analysis of French local labor markets"
14:00 Mateusz
“Identification and Estimation of a Search Model: A Procurement Auction Approach"
15:00 Javier
Brugues Rodriguez
"Production networks and pricing behaviour: the case of public procurement auctions in Ecuador"
16:00 Rory
"Household heterogeneity and the determinants of bequests"
17:00 Gonzalo  Paz Pardo  "Portfolio choice, asset returns and savings for retirement"

Room 321

8 June      
10:00 Francesca
"(Growing) Up in Smoke? Maternal pre- and post-natal behaviours and child development"
11:00 George
 "Saving lives by forcing hands: the unexpected effects of constraining health care providers"
13:00 Francesca
"Value-Added Tax and household consumption dynamics"
14:00 Gavin
"Choices with just-noticeable differences and status quo bias"
15:00 Thomas
"Hospital production and overcrowding: Evidence from the English National Health Service"
16:00 David
"Capital skill complementarity and the graduate wage premium: the impact of search frictions"