CeMMAP Masterclass:Professor Charles Manski
06 November 2023–07 November 2023, 11:00 am–3:00 pm
Social Planning under Uncertainty
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff | UCL students
- Yes
Department of Economics
Professor Charles Manski of Northwestern University will be delivering a Masterclass themed on Social Planning under Uncertainty.
Location: G22, North West Wing Lecture Theatre
Programme timings TBC
Monday 6 November
- Lecture 1: Overview: Credible Social Planning under Uncertainty
- Lunch
- Lecture 2: Diversified Treatment under Ambiguity
- Break
- Lecture 3: Statistical Decision Properties of Imprecise Trials
Tuesday 7 November
- Lecture 4: Identification of Income-Leisure Preferences and Evaluation of Income Tax Policy
- Break
- Lecture 5: Minimax-Regret Climate Policy with Deep Uncertainty in Climate Modeling and Intergenerational Discounting
- Lunch
- Lecture 6