
UCL Earth Sciences


Danuta Kaminski

IT manager, affiliate tutor, e-learning champion, webmaster, data protection coordinator

IT, Digital & E- Learning Resources Manager


Danuta G. Kaminski




IT, Digital & E-Learning Resources Manager
Departmental E-Learning Champion
Data Protection Coordinator

G18, Ground Floor, Kathleen Lonsdale Building

Courses Taught:

Contributions towards: 
GEOL0029 - Seismology I
GEOL0020 - Field Geophysics

Email Address:

Telephone Number:

d. kaminski@ucl.ac.ukplease contact me via MS Teams


IT Management: Development and implementation of IT-based components of teaching, IT support to all aspects of departmental life through computing project development and implementation, systems and network management, development and maintenance of the departmental digital presence, web master, departmental servers management, Windows support issues, support for Mac and UNIX/Linux systems, training and teaching support, hardware integration for research purposes.

Teaching: Computing components for the undergraduate curriculum, delivered either through Skills Thread programme or as practical components to number of individual courses. The subjects cover: support for Digital Mapping project, image manipulations and vector graphics skills, data analysis and manipulation using Matlab and Excel and Induction to UNIX and shell scripting. Specialist support for research projects and digital learning environment.