GeoBus provides online resources in place of regular Earth Sciences workshops.
2 April 2020
The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed the team’s trajectory, enforcing a pause from normal activities and a switch to a new mode of creating online content.
GeoBus UCL delivers free Earth Science workshops for primary and secondary schools in and around London. We’ve had an incredible year so far and have taught more students than ever, expanded material to secondary schools and developed new workshops. The global pandemic has changed the team’s trajectory, enforcing a pause from normal activities and a switch to a new mode of creating online content. The ‘GeoBus Resources’ section of our website went live this week to publicly offer what we have created so far, with many more resources and ideas still in the works.
On our website we have an extensive list of resources aimed at primary school children, including two Activity Packs on Rocks and Fossils. The Activity Packs encourage children to explore Earth Sciences at home, using materials from around the house and resources from the internet. Students can make ‘fossil jelly’ to explore the rock and fossil record, experiment making trace fossils using salt dough, and illustrate a cartoon on how body fossils are made.
Also available are shorter activities on the topics of earthquakes, volcanoes and space; including instructions on how to make your own volcano. More Activity Packs are on the way, such as a new topic on climate change, as well as material for secondary school students.
We hope that our material can supplement work sent home by schools to continue to inspire interest in the Earth Sciences and offer the opportunity for students to truly master their subject. Our online resources try to reflect the same spirit of excitement, experimentation and creativity at the core of our interactive school sessions into a format that can work at home.
We would like our resources to be shared as widely as possible and can be accessed for free from our website. The team would also like invite the input from the Earth Science department at UCL on any ideas or suggestions of Earth Science activities that can be done at home.