Departmental Seminars Series
20 December 2017
The Earth Science Department seminar series is designed to introduce some of the latest and most exciting new research discoveries to our students and faculty. Our seminars run every Friday of the fall and winter term at noon in the Garwood lecture theater. As always we welcome top scientists who present their latest results over a wide range of topics from small-scale microbial activity and the early Earth to the functioning of the solar system
For example, this fall’s seminar series featured such diverse presentations as Dr. Xaioya Ma, of the Natural history Museum presenting her latest research on the evolution of brains during the Cambrian, Professor Balz Kalmer of Trinity College London presenting his new views on how changes in the deep Earth lead to the oxygenation of the atmosphere, and Dr. Amy Donovon of Kings College’s insights onto the political challenges of volcanic eruption risks. We look forward to seeing you at our seminar series continuing this winter.