Location: Kathleen Lonsdale Building, B01 / B02
Telephone Extension: 56317
Laboratory Manager: Neil Hughes

A range of activities are performed in these laboratories. The area houses an electronics workshop and a variety of apparatus for the Rock & Ice Physics and Crystallography and Mineral Physics research groups. Undergraduate experimental practical classes are also performed in this laboratory.
Research Equipment Includes:
Metripol Microscope
The MetriPol is a new automated birefringence analysis system that is being used to study anomalous birefringence diamonds. Not only are we interested in looking at natural diamonds but also diamonds synthesized using both high pressure high temperature techniques (experiments are done in the Haskel Multi-Anvil Lab), as well as those made by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) techniques.
Ultrasonic Wave Velocity Anistropy Measurement System
Our system allows measurement of ultrasonic (1MHz) P and S wave velocities to be made in 10O steps on rock cores from 25mm to 60mm in diameter. Different sample holders allow for both axial and radial measurement.
Measurements can even be made on poorly-consolidated sedimentary rocks due to the high power (900 volt) pulse generators available.