Departmental Mailing lists
Departmental Mailing lists
Page Provider: Danuta Kaminski
E-mail is our main means of written communication so please read your e-mail regularly. All mailing lists have the suffix
General lists:
es-all | all staff and students, emeriti , visitors, honorary and affiliated members of the department |
es-seminars | as es-all plus external associates (including BBK or IRDR as per request) |
es-ucl-staff | all current staff (academics including postdoctoral staff, and professional support) - Earth Sciences, UCL paid employees only no honorary staff. |
es-acad | all permanent members of academic staff and teaching fellows only. Also some PS staff as required. |
es-postdocs | all postdoctoral members of staff only |
es-ps | all professional services (technical and administrative) staff |
es-lab-managers | all lab managers - list managed by Emma Humphreys-Williams |
es-students | All students in our department |
es-ud1 | 1st Year undergraduates |
es-ud2 | 2nd year undergraduates |
es-ud3 | 3rd year undergraduates |
es-ud4 | 4th year undergraduates |
es-natsci | the Natural Sciences stream students in Earth Sciences |
es-msc-geohazards | M.Sc. students Geophysical Hazards Course |
es-msc-geoscience | M.Sc. students Geoscience Course |
es-naturalhazards | Natural Hazards Diploma students |
es-phd | All Ph.D. students. Please contact Danuta Kaminski to be addedd to this list. |
* These lists are maintained by Academic Administrator |
es-wies | Earth Science female academic members including female PhDs. Please email Prof Vocadlo to be added to this list. |
Please note: All mailing lists are monitored by an appropriate member of Earth Sciences staff. In addition D. Kaminski is a member of all departmental lists as the lists administrator.
Data Protection Disclaimer: You have the rights to opt-out from being a member of any of these mailing lists. To do so you must email