
UCL Ear Institute


evidENT educational half day

16 June 2016, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Event Information


Seminar room G33, UCL Ear Institute

Research talks (20 minute talks and 10 minutes for questions and answers):

13:00 – 13:10 Welcome from Nishchay Mehta, Wellcome Trust PhD student, evidENT

13:10 – 13:40 Helen Blackshaw, Senior Research Associate, evidENT

13:40 – 14:10 Logan Manikam, NIHR PhD student, evidENT

14:10 – 14:40 Katie Whitcroft, Research Fellow to Peter Andrews

14:40 – 15: 10 Jonathan Joseph, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Northwick Park

15:10 - 15:40 Refreshments break

Guest Speaker

15:40 – 16:40 Dr Sally Dawson, Lecturer in Molecular Audiology, Ear Institute

If you are interested register your place with Kim Airey on: kim.airey@ucl.ac.uk ,  so we can arrange appropriate refreshments.