
UCL Ear Institute


UCL Ear Institute Careers Day

20 June 2016, 1:00 pm–3:30 pm

Event Information


UCL Ear Institute

1pm - 2pm Academic Career Pathways and making good applications

Example career pathways, dos and do nots of applications for PhDs, post-docs and research positions.
Featuring: Peter Keating, Catherine Perrodin, Rishi Mandavia, Jenny Bizley, Jen Linden, Joerg Albert and Dan Jagger.

2-3.15 Fellowship application workshop

Getting Longlisted, shortlisted, interviewing. Pragmatics: pFacts and costings.
Featuring:  Catherine Perrodin, Nick Lessica, Joerg Albert, Andy Forge and Ed Sohoglu.

3.15 cake and informal discussions