
UCL Ear Institute


ARO 2016

The UCL Ear Institute will be well represented again at this year's ARO conference in San Diego! Here's a pretty complete list of who will be doing what and when!

We would like to give a special mention to Prof Andy Forge who is an International Committee member this year!

Sat 20 Feb


1:30 PD 3

Antagonistic Interactions Between Notch and Lmx1Regulate Sensory Patch Segregation in the Embryonic Inner Ear

Hector Galvez-Garcia; David Pedreno-Fernandez;Zoe Mann; Elena Chrysostomou; Elachumee Canden;Beatriz Lorente-Canovas; Karen Steel; Berta Alsina;*Nicolas Daudet

4:45 PD 21

The effect of Auditory Visual temporal coherence on the representation of one of two competing sound streams in ferret auditory cortex

*Huriye Atilgan; Stephen Town; Katherine Wood; Gareth Jones; Jennifer Bizley

12.00 Travel Award Luncheon

Invited Speaker - Jonathan Gale 


PS 23

Shaping Action Potentials in the Auditory Nerve: Recruitment of Kv Channels to Specialized Microdomains in Spiral Ganglion Neurons

*Katie Smith; Brikena Hoxha; Dan Jagger

PS 24

Fatty Acids as Native Modulators of Coding in the Auditory Nerve

*Lorcan Browne; Katie Smith; David McAlpine; David Selwood; Dan Jagger

PS 72

Structural Changes in Inner Hair Cells and Surrounding Structures in a Mouse Model of Hidden Hearing Loss

*Anwen Bullen; Warren Bakay

PS 73

Short term synaptic plasticity of medial olivocochlear- hair cell synapses is altered by a point mutation in α9α10 nAChR

*Carolina Wedemeyer; Lucas Vattino; Jimena Ballestero; Eleonora Katz; Ana Belén Elgoyhen

PS 149

Coding of Sound Level in the Auditory Midbrain of Mammals with Different Hearing Ranges: a Comparative Study

*Warren Bakay; Jose Garcia-Lazaro; David McAlpine; Roland Schaette

PS 214

Tracking auditory thresholds

Dorothée Arzounian; Mathilde de Kerangal; Alain de Cheveigné

Sun 21 Feb


8:45 PD 37

Stress granules and mechanisms of RNA triage during cochlear stress

*Ana Claudia Goncalves; Naila Haq; Emily Towers; Lisa Nolan; Sally Dawson; Jonathan Gale


PS 239

Imaging Brain Structures in Children with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder

*Hannah Cooper; Doris-Eva Bamiou; Lorna Halliday; Chris Clark

PS 259

Inferior colliculus responses to intra-cochlear electrostimulation using Oticon Medical Animal Stimulation Platform in-vivo.

Lucy Anderson; Matthieu Recugnat; David McAlpine

PS 286

How does Lmx1a regulate tissue boundary formation in the inner ear?

*Zoe Mann; Vincent Plagnol; Nicolas Daudet

PS 348

SorCS2 as a Master Regulator of Hair Cell Planar Asymmetry

*Dan Jagger; Ruth Taylor; Mike Lovett; Sally Dawson; Andy Forge

PS 415

Decoding Speech Sound Source Direction from Electroencephalography Data

*Daniel Wong; Ulrich Pomper; Emina Alickovic; Jens Hjortkjær; Carina Graversen; Sahar Akram; Malcolm Slaney; Daniel Pressnitzer; Shihab Shamma; Alain de Cheveigné

PS 455

Manipulation of the Human Vestibular Environment to Generate Hair Cells

*Ruth Taylor; Jeffrey Holt; Michael Lovett; Anastasia Filia; Andrew Forge

Mon 22 Feb


8:30 SYMP 48
Neural Correlates of Relative Sound Localisation
*Katherine Wood; Stephen Town; Huriye Atilgan; Gareth Jones; Jennifer Bizley


9:45 PD 73

Application of Next Generation Sequencing for Gene Discovery in Otosclerosis

*Sally Dawson; Joanna Ziff; Michael Crompton; Jeremy Lavy; Aldren Christopher; Karen Steel; Shakeel Saeed


PS 509

Selective increase of auditory cortico-striatal coherence during auditory-cued Go/NoGo discrimination learning

Andreas Schulz; Marie Woldeit; Katja Saldeitis; Ana Goncalves; Frank Ohl

PS 516

Neural Codes for Pitch Perception in the Actively- and Passively-Listening States

*Kerry Walker; Jennifer Bizley; Jan Schnupp; Fernando Nodal; Andrew King

PS 525

Attentive object tracking in busy dynamic scenes

*Daniel Bates; Ulrich Pomper; Maria Chait

PS 526

Temporal Predictability in Crowded Acoustic Scenes Modulates Early Stages of Perceptual Organization: Evidence from MEG

*Ediz Sohoglu; Maria Chait

PS 529

The Impact of Gaze Direction on Human Auditory Processing

*Ulrich Pomper; Maria Chait

PS 604

Myosin 7a Immunolabeling is Not a Reliable Marker for Hair Cell Viability

*Shimon Francis; Elyssa Monzack; Lindsey May; Jonathan Gale; Lisa Cunningham

Tue 23 Feb


8:00 PD 115

Sensitivity to the Statistics of Rapid, Stochastic Sequences

*Sijia Zhao; Marcus Pearce; Fred Dick; Maria Chait


PS 891

A continuous paradigm for pitch discrimination

*Mathilde de Kerangal; Dorothée Arzounian; Alain de Cheveigné

PS 922

On the Relation Between Objective Measures and Hidden Hearing Loss

*Jaime A. Undurraga; Richard Windle; Priya Pransveswaran; Macarena Bowen; David McAlpine; Roland Schaette

Wed 24 Feb


10:30 PD 195

Severe Hair Bundle Anomalies that Differ with Hair Cell Type are Associated with Disruption of SorCS2.

*Andy Forge; Ruth Taylor; Sally Dawson; Michael Lovett; Angela Laws; Dan Jagger