Digital Excursion: UCL's Immersive Virtual Environments Laboratory
09 November 2016, 5:00 pm–7:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
Malet Place Engineering Building, Ground Floor
UCLDH invites you on a digital excursion to UCL's Immersive Virtual Environments Laboratory.
The Immersive VR Lab is a facility for research spanning a broad range of academic disciplines. Current and recent collaborations include projects with partners in engineering, architecture, drama, social psychology and neuroscience. Under the overarching research goal of understanding how to make virtual reality effective, the CAVE performs experiments with participants using a range of media from desktop setups to immersive VR, incorporating various modes of interaction.
What makes a difference to our sense of presence in a virtual environment, and our sense of co-presence with other people? By joining us on the night, you will have the chance to experience what 'being' in a virtual environment means!
In the CAVE we will demonstrate some past and present projects. Concurrently in the foyer there will be a demonstration of our large scale haptic (touch) interfaces, robotic telepresence and head-mounted displays.
After the demonstrations there will be time for discussion over a glass of wine!
If you wish to attend, please register your details and bring the printout with you on the day. For security reason, we would appreciate if you could arrive at 5.00pm sharp to allow us to let you all in at the same time.
Speakers / Demonstrators
Anthony Steed is a Professor and head of the Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics group at the UCL Department of Computer Science. His research area is in real-time interactive virtual environments, with particular interest in mixed-reality systems, large-scale models and collaboration between immersive facilities.
David Swapp is a Research Fellow working in the Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics group, and is also manager of the UCL Immersive VR Lab. He collaborates on a wide range of research and experimental work in the laboratory, with particular interest in how human perceptual capabilities can influence the design of immersive systems.