Our pioneering researchers will develop drugs that slow down or stop the disease
We will develop and propagate preventative measures that will reduce dementia prevalence
We will develop and propagate new models of care, working with our hospital and primary care partners
Over the last two decades there has been remarkable progress in understanding the human brain and the biology of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases. We know more about the genetic risk-factors that might cause them. We know more about how to spot the signs of them in the brain before clinical symptoms present themselves and about how disease progresses. And we know more about possible therapeutic targets. UCL has been at the forefront of these discoveries.
But despite progress in basic science, there remains a lack of effective treatments. Where drugs do exist they offer only temporary and limited relief from symptoms, rather than any curative benefit. The scientific challenge is huge, but UCL will meet this challenge by focussing our world leading expertise on 3 areas: cure, prevention and care.