
UCL's Centre for Data Intensive Science


Why to Study with us?

If you study with us, you will join a vibrant, informal and supportive group of world-leading experts in Machine Learning, Statistics and Computing. Going through this PhD programme, you will become highly-skilled, expert DIS practitioners, ready for a high-flying career in academia or industry, whatever you decide suits you best at the end of your PhD studies.

The UCL CDT in DIS was the first of its kind for such a programme to be established nationally and internationally, and in a recent competition for funding renewal from STFC, it was again top-ranked. 

The Centre provides a unique blend of training in cutting-edge DIS techniques and their application in some of the world's highest-profile international research projects in fundamental science, as well as in real-world challenges faced by society and our industry partners.

Career Destinations

Some of our students who have completed their research have moved into career paths in different industries and academia.  Some of these career paths include: 

Destination: academia/industry 50:50%​ 

2017 Cohort 

Gregory Barbour  

Postdoc - UCL in ATLAS, then moved to Clarity.ai as data scientist  

Damien De Mijolla 

Data Scientist in AI Research - Faculty AI 

Ben Henghes 

Visiting scientist - STFC's sciML Group 

Omar Jahangir 

Data Scientist 

Ava Chloe Audrey Lee 

Machine Learning Scientist - Start-up Company 

Kevin Mulder 


Davide Piras 

Postdoc – UCL, then moved to another postdoc at the University of Zurich 

Charlie Pitman Donaldson 

Working with ASOS 

Patrick Roddy 

Research Software Developer – UCL ARC 

Gordon Yip 

Postdoc – UCL, in Exoplanets  

Lucas Borgna 

Post-doc at Imperial HEP Group 


Matteo Ceschia 

Data Scientist - Financial Sector 

Constantina Nicolaou 


Mario Morvan 

Postdoc  - UCL, in Exoplanets 

Sam Van Stroud 

Postdoc - UCL ATLAS 

Look at example profiles of some of our alumni PhD students to have a better overview of all the career opportunities ahead of you. 

See what our students say:

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See what our students Study:

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