
UCL's Centre for Data Intensive Science


Alicja Polanska

In an increasingly interdisciplinary world, developing the computer science, data analysis and artificial intelligence skills necessary for future large-scale scientific and industrial problems

Alicja Polanska

1 January 2022

Project title: Geometric deep learning on the celestial sphere for cosmology and beyond

Research Group: MSSL

Supervisor(s): Prof Jason Mcewen


Before coming to UCL, I obtained an MSci Physics with Theoretical Physics degree from Imperial College London. My interest in cosmology and statistics was sparked by a summer project I carried out at the Imperial Astrophysics Group as part of the IROP programme. After graduation, I further developed my interest in data science and machine learning through a project in bioinformatics. I'm now working with Prof Jason McEwen at the Mullard Space Laboratory AstroInfo group. My PhD will focus on geometric deep learning and its applications to cosmology. 

Project description:  


First year group project: 
