Here are some useful mailing lists you may wish to join. | Departmental/Divisional Managers or administrators - usually only includes one person nominated by Heads of Depts for each Dept or Division. | | Email members of the DA Forum - this list is maintained by the da-forum committee. To be added to the DA Forum listing, please sign up via You will be asked for your name and email address and can unsbuscribe at any time. | | This email only goes to the DA Forum Committee, it is not seen by its members. If you wish to email the DA Forum mailing list, please use the email address above. |
HR User group test | There is a new HR Community of Practice that staff with HR responsibilities may wish to join. See more infromation and a link to join at |
Finance User Group | Emails about these meetings concerning the MyFinance system and other finance issues are usually sent to the ucl-admin mailing list, but you can ask Elisabeth Read (see UCL Staff Directory) to add you to their mailing list. |
HR Newsletter | If you are responsible for HR matters in your area, please join this mailing list to get central HR updates. Join by adding yourself to this link: |