
DA Forum


Welcome to the DA Forum website!

The DA-Forum is a support network for all Professional Services Staff across UCL. This website serves as a portal to essential information and resources for these members of staff and links to core sites and facilities across the UCL network.

The DA-Forum Committee


Lucy Keepking

Deputy Departmental Manager, Department of Physics & Astronomy

Lucy Panesar

Lucy Panesar

Department Coordinator, Department of Information Studies

Lorraine Bell

Lorraine Bell

School Administrator, Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


Dayana Soto Castellon

Senior Teaching and Learning Administrator, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering


Juliet Aghion

Executive Assistant, Business Operations Services

Contact the DA Forum Committee

If you would like to ask a question, send us feedback or have ideas on how to improve the site, please email us at da-forum-committee@ucl.ac.uk

Email the DA Forum Mailing List

If you would like to email everyone on the DA Forum mailing list, please email da-forum@ucl.ac.uk.  

Join the DA Forum Mailing List

To join the DA Forum Mailing List and start receiving our emails, please sign up by clicking Join our mailing list