Report on Symposium on Data Science and Digital Cultural Heritage
13 March 2020
UCLDH deputy director Julianne Nyhan and UCLDH team member Tessa Hauswedell organised a workshop on 26 & 27June 2019...

UCLDH deputy director Julianne Nyhan and UCLDH team member Tessa Hauswedell organised a workshop on the 26th/27th June 2019 on the topic of Data Science and Digital Cultural Heritage with generous funding from the UCL Grand Challenges Dynamics of Globalisation Initiative, the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies (CCHS) and UCLDH. The workshop was entitled: “Data Science and Digital Cultural Heritage Workshop: facilitating new connections between the disciplines and professions that can transform the Global Data Context”. It sought to facilitate new connections between academic disciplines and professions in order to develop a critical dialogue about the social and political implications of using the massive digital cultural heritage datasets that we increasingly rely on.
Please read the full blog here.
Header image: Dr Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, author of The Politics of Mass Digitization (MIT 2019) delivers her keynote lecture.