
Centre for Critical Heritage Studies


CCHS hosts CHEurope Joint Research Seminar

2 October 2017

What is Critical Heritage Studies? 2nd-6th October 2017 This week,

CHEurope ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=RHARR37" target="_self">Rodney Harrison and Esther Breithoff will coordinate the first Joint Research Seminar of the European Commission funded "CHEurope" Doctoral Training Programme. The UCL Institute of Archaeology and UCL Centre for Critical Heritage Studies will host 15 PhD students drawn from universities across 7 different European countries, who will come together to discuss the ways in which critical heritage studies might contribute to reshaping the future of Europe.

About CHEurope

"CHEurope: Critical Heritage Studies and the Future of Europe - Towards an integrated, interdisciplinary and transnational training model in cultural heritage research and management" is a PhD training program supported by the European Commission under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) - Innovative Training Networks (ITN) scheme. It is the result of a collaboration between universities and heritage institutions in Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Belgium and Italy.

CHEurope focuses on developing a new integrated theoretical and methodological framework to enhance the academic and professional training and open future job opportunities in cultural heritage preservation, management and promotion. Bringing together a network of key European academic and non-academic organisations, the project will explore the processes by which heritage is 'assembled' through practice-based research in partner institutions that connect students to their future job markets and publics.

Training Themes

CHEurope is training 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) under five themes:

  1. Theorizing heritage futures in Europe: heritage scenarios - University College London [UK], University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) [PT] (2 PhD positions)
  2. Curating the city: trans-disciplinary inheritance/disinheritance processes in urban settings - University of Gothenburg [SE], University of Amsterdam [NL], University of Hasselt [BE], Istituto Beni Culturali Regione Emilia Romagna [IT] (4 PhD positions)
  3. Digital heritage: the future role of heritage and archive collections in a digital world - University of Gothenburg, University College London, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas [ES], University of Utrecht [NL] (4 PhD positions)
  4. Heritage and wellbeing: migration and dislocation - University of Gothenburg, University College London (2 PhD positions)
  5. Heritage management and citizen participation in a multi-cultural world - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, University of Amsterdam (3 PhD positions).

For each theme, partner organisations will contribute to the research programme with secondments and on the job training.