
Centre for Critical Heritage Studies


CCHS seminar with G Alexopoulos & E. Gallou

14 January 2020, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Map of Samothraki

CCHS seminar : Local communities and sustainable development of cultural and natural heritage: the island of Samothrace, Greece.

Event Information

Open to





Cecile Bremont – Centre for Critical Heritage Studies


Classroom 132
Located on the first floor of Foster Court.
Foster Court
United Kingdom

The Greek island of Samothrace – located in the North Aegean and famous for its archaeological site the Sanctuary of the Great Gods– boasts an environment with important cultural and natural resources. While the inhabitants are facing various challenges (including economic, social and environmental) the local authorities along with a local NGO, Sustainable Samothrace, have for a long time pursued to develop a UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere (MAB) reserve on the island and have already twice submitted a relevant preparation folder. Within this context, this presentation will discuss the outcomes of a participatory workshop held in Samothrace that aimed to bring together stakeholders from both the local community and representatives of state authorities in order to identify the most important challenges and opportunities of sustainable cultural and natural heritage management. This presentation is based on a project funded by the Small Grants Scheme of the UCL Centre for Critical Heritage Studies (CCHS).

Open to all. No Registration required.


Island of Samothrace

Photo: 2018 © Map of Samothrace Eirini Gallou

About the Speaker

George Alexopoulos & Eirini Gallou

Assistant Professor & PhD candidate at UCL Archaeology and UCL ISH

Eirini Gallou is a PhD candidate at the UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage, pursuing her research on sustainable heritage management in rural contexts. Eirini Currently works as Senior Social analyst for Historic England. Eirini worked as a teaching assistant at UCL ISH and has been awarded the Associate Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). She holds an MSc From TU Delft, Netherlands in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences with specialization in Restoration and renovation of historic buildings and and MSC in Architecture form Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She has worked as an intern in ICCROM, Rome in 2014 supporting the courses for heritage professionals for the Sites Unit.

Dr Georgios Alexopoulos is currently Assistant Professor (Post-doc position) at the University of Innsbruck and Adjunct Lecturer at the Hellenic Open University (Greece). George has been a Research Associate (BigPicnic project) and Teaching Fellow at the UCL Institute of Archaeology where he has taught at the MA in Cultural Heritage Studies and MA in Museum Studies programmes. Prior to this he has worked as a researcher at the University of York and the Initiative for Heritage Conservancy (Greece). His research interests, among other things encompass heritage and museums studies, the management of intangible and living religious heritage, sustainability in heritage and museum practice.