Cruciform Loan Counter
About the service
If you are academic staff, and need to create media content to support your teaching and research, you can now use our media equipment loan service. All equipment comes in a handy carry case which includes: power supply and memory card (for cameras), battery charger, battery, remote control, and all necessary leads to connect to your computer. We try and combine items into kits which will include a microphone, tripod, and LED light as required. If you have very specific kit requirements, the team has an extensive knowledge of products and great relationships with our suppliers, with the ability to purchase many items with an education discount. If you wish to purchase any items we are happy to assist you in this process.
When borrowing an item from our stock, you assume full responsibility for it and are expected to return it in the same condition as it was loaned to you in. Departments or individuals will be charged for any missing or broken items. Please read see the terms of service before borrowing any equipment.
If you wish to use the service, please contact the Educational Media team via email in the first instance to discuss your requirements. The team will be happy to advise on the best solution for your needs and can offer tips on video and audio recording.
We are also running a dedicated service for IOE staff and students, please visit their Educational Media web pages, or you can visit the team at the Educational Media desk in the IOE on Level 3 Floor - Wing 3 – W3.03.