London Solar Opportunity Map launched by Greater London Authority
The London Solar Opportunity Map created by UCL Energy Institute has been launched by GLA, showing the energy potentially available from photovoltaic (PV) installations or heat from thermal collectors

8 November 2020
The Greater London Authority Solar Opportunity Map was created by a team at the UCL Energy Institute and the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. It shows the energy potentially available, either electricity from photovoltaic (PV) installations or heat from thermal collectors, on all roofs and areas of open land for the whole of the capital out to the M25 motorway. It is based on a 3D model of terrain, buildings, other structures and trees derived from LiDAR – laser measurements made from overflying aircraft. This is a tool that will help to achieve the London Mayor’s targets of 1 gigawatt of installed solar power by 2030, and 2 gigawatts by 2050.
Calculations are made of the amounts of direct and diffuse solar radiation falling annually on all surfaces, taking account of overshadowing by neighbouring buildings and trees. From these figures, the solar energy potential is estimated, allowing for the slopes of roofs and for different solar technologies. A minimum threshold is set, below which installations are likely to be uneconomic. The character of land surfaces and their suitability for solar are represented in the Map: some areas such as roads, woodlands and Royal Parks are excluded. The Map is linked to the London Building Stock Model, which makes it possible to know the uses and potential energy reductions if solar panels were installed.
The Map is made available through a web interface on the Greater London Authority's website.
Full story on UCL Energy Institute website
Greater London Authority - extract from LSOM