
The Constitution Unit


Planning the next Accession and Coronation

30 May 2018

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Robert Hazell and Bob Morris have been working on how to revise and update the three statutory oaths which the new sovereign must swear at accession and coronation. The new King must swear to be a true and faithful Protestant; to uphold the Presbyterian Church of Scotland; and the rights and privileges of the Church of England.  In a newly published report they present for discussion different reformulations of the oaths, updated for the UK's more diverse and secular society.  A second report explains how the next coronation cannot be anything like that in 1953.  The coronation defines not just royalty, but British identity: how is that identity best represented in all its 21st century diversity?


  • Prof Robert Hazell, Professor of Government and the Constitution, The Constitution Unit
  • Dr Bob Morris, Formerly Home Office Under Secretary responsible for Constitutional Affairs. Leader of the Unit's work on Church and State.