
The Constitution Unit


Sarah Allan

Sarah Allan
Email: sarah@involve.org.uk

Twitter: @SarahAllanUK

Sarah is Sarah is Director of Capacity Building and Standards at public participation charity Involve

Her work at Involve has included leading the delivery of a number of high profile citizens' assemblies, including Climate Assembly UK (UK parliament, 2019-2020), National Assembly for Wales Citizens' Assembly (2019) and the Citizens' Assembly on Social Care (UK parliament, 2018). She was Design and Facilitation Lead for the Citizens' Assembly on Brexit (2017), in collaboration with the Constitution Unit. 

Beyond citizens' assemblies, Sarah has worked with the UK parliament and National Assembly for Wales to author guidance and training on how parliamentary committees can better engage the public in their work. She also develops and leads projects that focus on giving people with particular lived experience a say in decisions that affect their lives. 

Sarah is an Associate Member of the University of Leeds' Centre for Democratic Engagement.

For further information, see her staff page at Involve.