Hear the CAU Director, Dr Kris De Meyer, giving evidence to the House of Lords' Environment and Climate Change Committee on good communication and how to encourage more climate-friendly behaviours.
On 28 April 2022, Dr Kris De Meyer attended the House of Lords to give evidence as part of their enquiry into what good climate communication looks like and what gets people to act. Below are a number of snippets from that session where Kris explains some of the key insights used by the Climate Action Unit in our day-to-day work.
Video 1: Why people's willingness to act hasn't moved despite higher awareness of the issue
Video 2: Why fragmentation occurs when it comes to choosing 'the right thing to do about climate change'
Video 3: Why messages of fear or hope are not predictable drivers of behaviour change
Video 4: The power of telling stories about people taking action on climate change
Video 5: Why we need to apply a 'systems approach' to address climate change
Video 6: What stories the government should tell about climate change to communicate the scale of the problem
Video 7: The power of trusted voices when they relate climate change to their area of expertise
Video 8: What a Prime Minister could honestly say about climate change