
Department of Greek & Latin


MA Reception of the Classical World

Our MA in the Reception of the Classical World makes extensive use of the unique features of UCL: its central location, diverse international expertise, interdisciplinary outlook, and close relationship with its sister classics departments in Royal Holloway and Kings College.

We provide research tours of nearby research resources, such as the British Museum, the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Sir John Soane's Museum, and the British Film Institute. Our programme is taught by highly experienced staff from within and outside our department. Students have the opportunity to select courses from a very large range - from within our department, from other departments in UCL, and from the Intercollegiate MA programme in Classics. 

Watch a short video about the MA Reception in the Classical World at YouTube.

General Course Information

Programme Structure

The MA in the Reception of the Classical World aims to provide graduate students with a thorough grounding in key aspects of and approaches to the reception of classical culture - understood broadly as its interpretation, appropriation, representation or reconstruction, and/or revision. It also aims to equip students with the tools for further research in the reception of the classical world by developing their critical and conceptual understanding in this field. Students taking this programme can take a variety of modules from within UCL designated as relevant and/or modules made available by participating institutions know as intercollegiate modules.

Students take a total of 180 credits divided as follows:


A compulsory core module CLAS0111 Approaches to the Reception of the Classical World (30 credits)

The module aims to introduce students to the principal issues, ideas and methods involved in studying the reception of the classical world across a range of periods, societies, and media.

b)Modules to the value of 90 credits chosen with the approval of the MA Tutor.
  1. Students may take any of the UCL modules listed on this page.
  2. With the approval of the MA Tutor, they may also take any of the modules on offer in the list of modules made available by the other institutions with which we have made arrangements for ‘intercollegiate’ teaching (Kings College London, Royal Holloway University of London and the Institute of Classical Studies. 
  3. They may also take a maximum of one module from an MA programme offered by a different department at UCL (for example, History, Archaeology, Film Studies, Italian Studies, Medieval Studies and Renaissance Studies), subject to the approval of the MA Tutor and by permission of the relevant department.
c)CLAS0126 Dissertation: Reception of the Classical World, 60 credits

a dissertation of 12,000 – 15,000 words on an aspect of the reception of the classical world approved by the MA Tutor

MA Dissertation Topic Lists

Part-time students will normally take 90 credits worth of modules in the first year and modules worth 30 credits and the dissertation (worth 60 credits) in the second year (flexible study is also available by arrangement). Note that coursework deadlines for part-time students are the same as for full-time students.

Modules Available to UCL Greek and Latin Students

UCL MA Reception students can take UCL modules or intercollegiate modules. Note that modules taken by UCL students at ICS, KCL or RHUL are subject to the academic regulations and procedures of those institutions. If you take a module from one of those institutions, that mark will be reported to UCL and will be incorporated into your degree; but the rules under which the mark is arrived at are those of the institution which provides the module.

Please note that while core modules will run every year the availability of all other modules whether at UCL or the other institutions involved in module provision may change from year to year depending on staff availability