Module Leads: Prof Paul Winyard and Dr Helen Bedford
Core ALL pathways - 60 Credits
Usually during final year of study but much of the preparatory work should be done as you go along, such as R&D registration, ethics approval, honorary contracts etc.
Students should:
- get to grips with a real research question
- critically assess the background literature
- design a research study (with help from primary and secondary supervisors)
- collect and analyse the data
- write it up in their dissertation, abstracts and original articles
The research project dissertation is a substantive piece of work over about 10,000 words. This provides an opportunity to put all of your module-based learning from the course into action by undertaking worthwhile primary research (or in rare circumstances to conduct a systematic review). We encourage high quality projects that can be published in high impact journals, and around 15-20% of our students go on to a higher degree such as an MD or PhD.
Method of assessment
Submission of dissertation 10,000 words