
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Evidence-based Child Health ALL

Module Lead: Dr Katy Pike

Core all pathways - 15 credits


Understanding how the structured question is used to guide the search for information;

Understanding of the context in which evidence is used to make decisions;

Awareness of issues in applying evidence to paediatric populations;

Knowledge, understanding and practical experience of how to search published literature for evidence to use in decision-making;

Knowledge, understanding and practical experience of critically appraising the published literature;

Understanding of steps involved in performing a systematic review;

Understanding of how to use evidence about probabilities (or risk) in decision-making;

Knowledge of how to approach the evaluation of the validity and generalisability of a research article.


This module ensures that students understand that evidence-based medicine (EBM) is important in making the appropriate decisions for individuals and populations, and as a tool for decision-making. It will provide students with the skills to practise EBM and to use the methods in their life-long learning. We will show you how to turn a problem into a structured question that can be addressed by searching for and assessing the research literature.

Method of assessment 

Write and present a Critically Appraised Topic (CAT)