
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


GOS ICH / University of Toronto PhD Studentships - Collaborative projects with UoT

The UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health has a reciprocal academic exchange arrangement with the University of Toronto whereby PhD students from ICH may spend 6 months of their PhD carrying out research at the university. 

Funding for one GOS ICH / University of Toronto PhD studentship may be provided by the Child Health Research Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CHR-CIO). 

Requirements / further details of ICH/Toronto studentship:

  • Joint supervision with an academic from the University of Toronto joining the ICH student's supervisory team (e.g. as secondary subsidiary supervisor)
  • 6-months period spent by the student at the University of Toronto
  • Period spent in Canada will be considered study leave
  • Study leave must be formally applied for as per UCL regulations and approved prior to departure (see 'Study Leave for Postgraduate Students').
  • Study leave cannot be taken within first 3 or final 3 months of the PhD
  • Eligible projects will be advertised within the CHR project portfolio (under a specific heading of ICH/University of Toronto collaborative projects) and student selection occurs with the other CHR studentship recruitment.

Eligible GOS ICH supervisors are invited to submit CHR project outlines which could benefit from collaborative ties (e.g., training, research, supervision) with the University of Toronto for inclusion in the GOS ICH / University of Toronto studentship portfolio. You may already have an existing collaboration to build on or may need to establish one. 

Projects must be submitted via the 'CHR PhD Studentships Call for Project Outlines' applications process. 

Applications should include details of the proposed visit i.e. collaborative research / training plan and how this would benefit the student. Should a successful CHR student applicant select an ICH/UoT project, a short CV from the identified potential Toronto supervisor will be required. 

If you have any queries, please contact (ich.researchdegrees@ucl.ac.uk).