We generate funding for our research and teaching by setting out our proposals in high quality applications to public, charitable and industrial funding bodies and we disseminate the results of our research by publication in the medical and scientific literature, to practitioners, policy makers and the wider public.
Our grant funding comes from research councils, charities, industry partners and individual donors.
Ways to give
You can support our work via Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity, The Child Health Research CIO or UCL's Office of the Vice-President (Advancement).
Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity
Registered Charity No. 1160024
UCL Institute of Child Health works closely with Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity (GOSHC) to help deliver the charity's aim of supporting high quality research to drive the development of new therapies, devices and diagnostics to improve the lives of patients treated at Great Ormond Street Hospital. The charity - which is the UK's largest dedicated charitable funder of paediatric research has provided significant funding to the ICH over many years for new laboratories and equipment, as well as support for senior research leaders, PhD studentships and research grants.
The Child Health Research CIO
Registered Charity No. 1152623
Legal Entities and Partnerships Information Number (RSIN), The Netherlands: 8241 71 329
The Child Health Research Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) was formed in 2013 by merging existing charities The General Charitable Trust of ICH (GCT), The Child Health Research Appeal Trust (CHRAT) and the Bill Marshall Memorial Fund (BMMF). The Board of Trustees is formed of independent Trustees as well as senior staff in ICH, GOSH and UCL.
The purposes (the "objects") of the CHR CIO are to:
- advance health in children and the adults they become by supporting research into children's health and well-being including pre-natal development and external factors impacting thereon; and
- advance education by supporting teaching, training and public engagement in children's health, including by supporting the mission of the Institute of Child Heath to the extent charitable.
- Donations can be made online (debit/credit card, PayPal) via the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) website. CAF online do levy a small handling fee of 5%, and after this has been taken they then pass the donation directly to our Charity. They will also claim any Gift Aid on your behalf, if applicable, which can increase the donation by 25%.
- Donations can also be made by cheque, made payable to "The Child Health Research CIO", Postal address: c/o CHR CIO, Director's office, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, U.K.
- If you would like to set up a direct debit or receive further information, please contact us on ich.director@ucl.ac.uk.
UCL Office of the Vice-President (Advancement)
UCL's Office of the Vice-President (Advancement) has one overarching mission – to engage and grow all of UCL’s communities and communicate to them the brilliance of UCL. Funding is raised through developing alumni relations, regular giving as well as major gifts and donations.
- If you have any difficulty finding the information you need, or want to ask them any questions, please contact the Office of the Vice-Provost Advancement