CEE Spring Symposium is led and organised every year by a student or a group with guidance from the Committee. This enables students to learn and develop skills they will need in the future.
- Tuesday 23rd April 2024 - Imperial - 'The Evolution of Viral Outbreaks: Past, Present and Future'
Dr. Diana Erazo Quintero, Université Libre de Bruxelles - 'Contribution of climate change to the spatial expansion of West Nile virus in Europe and future projections'
MMath Maria A. Gutierrez, University of Cambridge - 'Evolutionary insights from mathematical modelling of vaccine escape'
Dr. Louis Du Plessis, ETH-Zurich - 'Insights into infectious disease dynamics across time and space with phylogenetics and phylodynamics'
Dr. Darlan Candido, Imperial - 'Unravelling spatiotemporal heterogeneities of wild and vaccine-derived poliovirus spread: past and present'Dr. Lucy van Dorp, University College London - 'Tracking pathogens in space and time using ancient genomic approaches'
- 2019
- 2018
Amanda Bates, University of Southampton - 'Functional shifts in rocky reef communities with warming depend on protection from exploitation and range extension by a habitat-altering urchin'
Andy Hector, University of Oxford - 'Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: From local to landscape'
Felix Eigenbrod, University of Southampton - 'A spatially explicit socio-ecological framework for predicting the effects of landscape structure on ecosystem services'
Axel Rossberg, - 'How loss of fish biodiversity affects marine ecosystem functioning'
Adriana De Palma, Natural History Museum - 'PREDICTS: from species to function and from space to time'
Nathalie Pettorelli, Institute of Zoology -
Peter Verburg VrijeUniversiteitAmsterdam
Cristina Banks-Leite Imperial College London
Michelle Jackson Imperial College London
Tim Newbold University College London
- Wednesday June 8th 2016 - Imperial College London - 'War and Peace: The Dynamics of Evolutionary Conflict'
Max Reuter, University College London - 'The genetic basis of intralocus sexual conflict in Drosophila melanogaster'
Ted Morrow, University of Sussex - 'Sexually antagonistic genes – evidence and approaches for finding them'
Rhonda Snook, University of Sheffield - 'Experimental sexual selection alters ejaculate – female reproductive tract interactions'
Stuart Wigby, Oxford University - 'Sexual conflict: family, familiarity, flies'
Nina Wedell, University of Exeter - 'Sex, conflict and selfish genes'
Tom Price, University of Liverpool - 'Where have all the drivers gone: the evolution, ecology and demise of meiotic drive'
Rebecca Dean, University College London - 'Can sexual conflict drive mito-nuclear genes off X chromosomes?'
Judith Mank, University College London - 'The genomic basis of sexual dimorphism'
Susan Johnston, University of Edinburgh - 'The causes and consequences of sexually-dimorphic recombination rates in wild populations'
- 2015