Keep up to date with all things researcher-based that are going on at UCL Careers by following our researcher Twitter feed or our specialist blog – recent blog articles shown below.
2021 Spring term employer events for researchers
We’re of course still unable to come together on campus as we usually would. But as the days start to get brighter and longer this Spring, we have some great virtual careers events that offer a productive way to spend your lockdown down-time.
Online panel events
A career in cyber security
Dr Ardavan Alamir has a PhD in Physics and now works in cyber-security at G-Research.
Researchers Guest Feature: Taking a Closer Look at Clinical Trials
Throughout the year we will be taking a deep dive into some key topics and career paths discussed in our events programme.
In these posts, we will be exploring what careers in a variety of different industries look like for a researcher. Each contributor will give us their key tips for following a non-academic career path whilst letting us in on the things they wished they’d known before taking the leap. Find out about the roles their organisation has to offer and get some key tips on applying.
Autumn term is under way! Here’s what we’ve learnt so far…
With our autumn term virtual events programme for researchers in full swing, we wanted to share our biggest learning so far.
If you haven’t had a chance to attend an event here’s a quick summary of what’s happened so far and the kinds of sessions going on. The employer-led events programme for researchers is designed to support your career journey by offering you opportunities to hear from and network with employers and alumni from a wide range of industry who were once PhD students themselves.
Welcome to our Researchers Summer Term Programme
This terms UCL Careers researchers events programme is now online
In the current circumstances we have adapted our events programme online to give you support, advice and guidance during this confusing time. Take a look at all our upcoming events and sign up today! We’ve got lots for you to get involved with across employer events, careers consultant workshops, 1-1 appointments via Microsoft Teams and plenty of online blogs.
Welcome to Careers in the Public Sector!
Public Sector Month
Including: Government, HE, Policy and Professional bodies
Interested in a career within government? Want to utilise your research skills to support policy or create industry change? This month is a great opportunity for you to use your skills to make real change and support the development of research strategy in your interest areas. If you’re interested in facilitating research, creating policy change or working in Government, this month of events is for you!