
UCL Cancer Institute


ACED Funding Awards


ACED Skills Exchange and Development Travel Awards

These awards enable ACED researchers and PhD students to visit another ACED Member Centre(s) for knowledge exchange to learn or impart a key skill or technique, and to sow the seeds of future collaborations.

Applications will be accepted from Alliance researchers regardless of career stage including PhD students. Applications for PhD students must be made on their behalf by their principal PhD Supervisor.

Funding up to £40,000 GBP or $50,000 USD is available to cover a visit of up to 4 months to include travel, accommodation, applicable university and visa fees and necessary research expenses. Salary costs are not covered by this award. 

Applicants must be a researcher at an ACED Member Centre and a current ACED member. ACED researchers may also apply for virtual opportunities to include costs for running training or request funding for related training/career development opportunities. It is the applicant’s responsibility to approach a potential Alliance Member Centre to identify and secure suitable learning and development opportunities.

Applicants are advised to read the guidance and application form

Applications will be considered in any research area(s) listed in the ACED scientific strategy with a focus on early detection of primary cancer.

Completed applications must be submitted to d.kelberman@ucl.ac.uk in MS Word format. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis while the scheme is open.

Funding decisions will be made at quarterly meetings of the Alliance Executive Board.


ACED UCL Centre Conference Travel Fund

Limited funding is available to support UCL research staff and students to attend scientific conferences to present their research, for example, but not limited to the Early Detection of Cancer Conference. Funding for conference registration fees, travel and accomodation is available.

Applications will only be considered to present research on the early detection of primary cancer. Applicants are also advised to also seek additional support, where possible, to supplement the resources available through this fund.

Requests for support to attend the annual ACED Early Detection Summer School are also eligible from this fund.


Please submit completed applications to d.kelberman@ucl.ac.uk. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.


For each funding scheme please read the relevant guidelines in the first instance. Applications should align with the ACED strategy on early detection research for primary cancer. All Pilot and Project Award applications must involve collaboration between at least two different ACED Centres

All applicants must be UCL ACED members. Please contact Dan Kelberman (d.kelberman@ucl.ac.uk) if you or a member of your research team wish to be added to the members list. 

To find out more, please read our Frequently Asked Questions

ACED funding FAQs


ACED Funding Acknowledgements

Acknowledgement of Funding Source

All communication materials about the funded project including, but not limited to media releases, newsletters, publications, websites, brochures, social media, video and radio should include an acknowledgement that funding for the project is provided by ACED.

Presentations or Publications

 If giving a presentation or submitting a publication, please include the following acknowledgement:

This work was supported by the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection, an alliance between Cancer Research UK [C ref. /A ref.], Canary Center at Stanford University, the University of Cambridge, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, University College London and the University of Manchester.

(UK researchers will find the [C ref./A ref.] on their Grant Award letter).

ACED Name and Logo Usage

The Alliance should be referred to on first reference as the Alliance for Cancer Early Detection. After first reference, the Alliance should be referred to as either “the Alliance” or “ACED”. ACED and its member centre logos may not be used without permission. Appropriate logos will be made available upon request via Dan Kelberman (d.kelberman@ucl.ac.uk).