
UCL Division of Biosciences


UCL People and Nature Lab Launch Event



Adam Rutherford

Adam Rutherford is a lecturer in GEE, as well as being a presenter for the BBC, and writer. He did his PhD at UCL's Institute for Child Health in developmental genetics, and worked as an editor at the journal  Nature.

Adam presents Inside Science and Start the Week on BBC Radio 4, and with Hannah Fry, the Curious Cases of Rutherford and Fry. He's written 6 books, including the Sunday Times Bestsellers How to Argue With a Racist, A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived. His latest book is Control: the Dark History and Troubling Present of Eugenics.  

2021 Adam Rutherford_ photo by Alde Eamonn McCabe


Beccy Speight

Beccy became the RSPB’s Chief Executive in August 2019, having previously held the same position at the Woodland Trust. Prior to the Woodland Trust Beccy worked for the National Trust for 14 years, initially as general manager of the Stourhead Estate, then as director for its East Midlands and Midlands regions from 2005.   

Previously, Beccy was responsible for leading and championing the National Trust’s work on its sustainable food agenda and she chaired the Food for Life Catering Mark Standards Committee for the Soil Association. She also contributed to national steering groups on contemporary art in the National Trust, its work in the outdoors and engaging urban communities.   

Beccy Speight RSPB CEO Image


Chris Lintott

Chris Lintott is a professor of astrophysics at the University of Oxford, where he is also a research fellow at New College, working on topics from galaxy evolution, transient detection and machine learning. As Principal Investigator of the Zooniverse, he leads a team who run the world’s most successful citizen science projects, allowing more than a million people to discover planets, transcribe ancient papyri or explore the Serengeti.

A passionate advocate of the public understanding of science, he is best known as co-presenter of the BBC’s long running Sky at Night program. His book, ‘The Crowd and the Cosmos’, is now available from Oxford University Press. 

Chris Lintott