Lab Skills
- Good cell culture practice, including safety procedures, control of facilities, equipment, reagents
- Qualitative characteristics of mammalian cell cultures: cell counting and analysis
- Cryopreservation and cell banking
- Sterility and microbial contamination tests
- Maintenance and manipulation of primary and established cell lines under various experimental conditions (mitogenic stimulation, exposure to cellular stresses and major signal transduction inhibitors)
- Transient transfection of mammalian cells, expressing wild type and mutant proteins
- Immunofluorescent analysis of subcellular localisation of transiently expressed proteins
- Quantitative analysis of immunofluorescent images by computer software
- Assess the viability and proliferation of cells grown under various experimental conditions using the MTT Cell Proliferation Assay
- Thermofisher will demonstrate the EVOS imaging system
Course Lectures
- Whole tissue/cell techniques (immunofluorescent and immunoelectron microscopy, subcellular fractionation, FACS analysis etc)
- The control of cellular metabolism and growth by signalling pathways
- Interaction between cells and their environments: general principles in cell signalling and signal transduction
- Regulation of cell survival and proliferation in mammalian cells
- Understanding the biology of ageing and regulation of cellular metabolism
- Stem cell biology in health and disease
- Human pluripotent stem cells in culture
approved by RSB for 72 credit points