
UCL Division of Biosciences


CDB Seminar - Dr Raman Das, University of Manchester

08 February 2024, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

photo of Dr Raman Das

Title: Cellular mechanisms directing neuron polarisation during vertebrate development and regeneration

This event is free.

Event Information

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Michael Wright – Cell and Developmental Biology

Talk abstract: Neuron polarisation is of fundamental importance, both during embryonic development and following injury in adults. During vertebrate central nervous system development, polarisation of newborn neurons leads to axon extension in the correct orientation, ultimately leading to the formation of functional neural circuitry. Similarly, peripheral neuron injury in adults is followed by rapid re-polarisation and axon extension to re-establish functional neural circuitry. However, the cell-intrinsic mechanisms through which neuron polarisation is achieved in both contexts remain poorly understood. To study these mechanisms, we deploy innovative methods to image and manipulate cellular behaviour in real time in high spatial and temporal resolution, in combination with cutting-edge super-resolution fixed imaging techniques. Here, I will discuss our ongoing work that identifies how molecular remodelling of the primary cilium allows differentiating neurons to switch their interpretation of Shh signalling and achieve normal axon extension. Furthermore, I will also discuss our ongoing work on the mechanisms through which injured adult peripheral neurons undergo large-scale microtubule remodelling in the absence of the centrosome to achieve robust axon regeneration.

Zoom: https://ucl.zoom.us/j/94065194716

Host: Dr Marc Amoyel

About the Speaker

Dr Raman Das

MRC Career Development Fellow at University of Manchester

Work in our lab focuses on understanding the cell biology of neuronal differentiation during development. We use the embryonic spinal cord as our model system and utilise cutting-edge live tissue imaging techniques to image cell behaviour leading to neuronal differentiation in this tissue. The overall aim of our work is to understand how the complicated molecular changes taking place during neurogenesis are translated into the striking cell behaviour that physically drives this process, with the longer term goal of devising strategies to prevent or relieve the symptoms of neurodevelopmental diseases and dementia.

More about Dr Raman Das