
UCL Division of Biosciences


CDB Seminar - Fiona Doetsch, University of Basel Biozentrum

22 September 2022, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

photo of Fiona Doetsch

Title: Stem Cells in the Adult Brain: Regulation and Diversity

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Michael Wright – Cell and Developmental Biology

Abstract: Neural stem cells reside in specialized niches in the adult mammalian brain. Adult neural stem cells dynamically integrate intrinsic and extrinsic signals to either maintain the quiescent state or to become activated to divide and generate neurons and glia. I will present our recent findings highlighting adult neural stem cell heterogeneity, including the identification of novel gliogenic domains and cell types, and the key roles of physiological states and long-range signals in the regulation of regionally distinct pools of adult neural stem cells.

Host: Marc Amoyel

Join Zoom Meeting: https://ucl.zoom.us/j/97869377324?pwd=T0VrTHlJdGRvdjJuZGRjb0M2dWVMQT09

Meeting ID: 978 6937 7324 / Passcode: 894615

About the Speaker

Fiona Doetsch

Professor Dr. at Univesity of Basel, Biozentrum

Our research group investigates stem cells in the adult mammalian brain. Elucidating the molecular and cellular pathways underlying their regulation may provide insight into brain repair.

More about Fiona Doetsch