
UCL Division of Biosciences


CDB Seminar - Romain Levayer, Institut Pasteur, Paris

03 February 2022, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

Photo of Romain Levayer

Title: Collective effects in epithelial cell elimination

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Michael Wright – Cell and Developmental Biology

Host: Masa Tada

Talk abstract: While the signals regulating apoptosis during development are rather well known, what sets the precise spatio-temporal distribution of cell death and the adjustment of cell elimination to local perturbations is not well understood. Similarly, how cells eventually engage in apoptosis and how the removal of cells from epithelial layer is orchestrated through cell extrusion remained poorly understood, especially in vivo. In this seminar, I will present our recent attempt to dissect these two layers of regulation in the Drosophila pupal notum (a single layer epithelium). I will first describe the contribution of EGFR/ERK modulations by mechanics in the competitive elimination of cells by oncogenic clones. I will then illustrate how the same pathway help to fine tune the spatio-temporal distribution of cell elimination during homeostasis through local and transient feedbacks. Eventually I will describe our latest data on the regulation of cell extrusion by a caspase dependent disassembly of microtubules and their unexpected contribution to epithelial shape stabilisation.

Suggested references:

- Villars, A., Matamoro-Vidal, A., Levillayer, F., and Levayer, R. (2021). Microtubule disassembly by caspases is the rate-limiting step of cell extrusion. bioRxiv, 2021.2010.2015.464503.

- Valon, L., Davidovic A., Levillayer, F., Villars, A., Chouly, M., Cerqueira-Campos, F., & Levayer, R. Robustness of epithelial sealing is an emerging property of local ERK feedback driven by cell elimination. Developmental Cell 56, 1-12. (2021)

- Matamoro-Vidal, A. & Levayer, R. Multiple Influences of Mechanical Forces on Cell Competition. Curr Biol 29, R762-R774, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.06.030 (2019).

- Moreno, E., Valon, L., Levillayer, F. & Levayer, R. Competition for Space Induces Cell Elimination through Compaction-Driven ERK Downregulation. Curr Biol, 29, 23-34 e28, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2018.11.007 (2019).

Zoom Meeting:

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About the Speaker

Romain Levayer

at Institut Pasteur, Paris

I did my bachelor studies in the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. After a long hesitation between evolution, ecology and developmental and cell biology, a long internship working on C. elegans early development (in Pr. Seydoux lab, John Hopkins University) definitly pushed me toward cell and developmental biology side. My interest for quantitative approaches brought me to an interdisciplinary master (AIV, Paris) where I start being interested by morphogenesis. I then joinded the laboratory of Thomas Lecuit (IBDM, Marseille, France) to start my PhD working on epithelial morphogenesis in early Drosophila embryo and the role of the modulation of cell-cell adhesion. I then moved to Switzerland in the group of Eduardo Moreno for my postdoc (IZB, University of Bern) working on cell competition. I eventually moved back to Paris in December 2016 to start my research group in the Institut Pasteur.

More about Romain Levayer