
UCL Division of Biosciences


Tatiana Solovieva

I am a PhD student in the Stern lab, in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, UCL. I study the role of 'organizers' in early development. Organizers are signalling regions in the embryo which induce and pattern surrounding tissue during development. I use the chick as a model to look at how organizers are formed, their properties and how these correspond to organizer function. I am particularly interested in Hensen's node which is an organizer that induces and patterns neural tissue.

E-mail: tatiana.solovieva.14@ucl.ac.uk


2014-present PhD in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, University College London. Funded by the Wellcome Trust
2011-2014 BSc in Biology, Imperial College London


  • Anderson C, Khan MA, Wong F, Solovieva T, Oliveira NM, Baldock RA, Tickle C, Burt DW, Stern, CD. 2016. A strategy to discover new organizers identifies a putative heart organiser. Nat Commun. 7:12656 Pubmed