UCL Centre for Doctoral Training in Bioprocess Engineering Leadership: Industry Collaborative Bioprocess Research at the Cutting Edge
The mission of the UCL CDT in Bioprocess Engineering Leadership is to develop the next generation of international bioindustry leaders.
With the backing of the Engineering and Physical Sciences research Council (EPSRC), the UCL Biochemical Engineering department offers around ten coveted Bioprocess Engineering Leadership doctorates per year to the very highest quality candidates.
The Department has a proud track record of collaboration with industry via Engineering Doctorate studentships, successfully agreeing over 100 contracts with companies since 2008. Each EngD programme is of four calendar years duration, with typically half the time spent with a partner company, which also co-sponsors the research. This gives the researcher unprecedented opportunities to explore novel science and engineering in a process and business context relevant to future leadership roles in the international bioindustry.
We have successfully completed over 60 EngD programmes in collaboration with over 40 companies in a Centre rated as "excellent" in our last EPSRC review.