
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources


“Britain was promised a bold and visionary energy plan. But we’ve been sold a dud” – Prof Jim Watson

12 April 2022

For the Observer, Professor Jim Watson (Director of UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources) has written an Opinion piece reviewing the UK Government’s Energy Security Strategy.

Wind turbines in the sea

Professor Jim Watson has written an opinion piece for the Observer on the UK Government’s Energy Security Strategy. The article outlines failures of the strategy to address the immediate impact on high fossil fuel prices for households and businesses. Professor Watson calls for effective policies to increase energy efficiency in homes, and to decarbonise heating, in order to reduce our dependence on gas, cut bills and cut carbon emissions. Looking to the proposed plans for energy supply, Professor Watson questions the rising costs and financial risks to consumers and tax payers by putting nuclear centre-stage, and looks to off-shore wind as the “real heart of the strategy”. He concludes:

In short, the government has pulled its punches and avoided measures that would have a more immediate impact on energy security – mainly by reducing the amount of energy we need to use. Instead, it has produced a mixed bag of energy supply proposals. While some are credible, a large nuclear power programme will require huge amounts of political and financial capital. History suggests that this will be very difficult to deliver.”

Read the full opinion piece online