UCL-ISR and UCL-Energy Climate Week Blog 2014
3 March 2014

From 3-9 March 2014, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources and UCL Energy Institute staff and students will be blogging daily to celebrate Climate Week 2014.
Topics will include:
- Climate and health
- Climate and poverty eradication
- Climate and water
- Climate and resources
- Climate and energy
There will also be a daily blog from a member of the 2014 UCL-Lancet Commission on Climate Change and Health team.
The UCL-Lancet Commission is an initiative bringing together senior international climate scientists, economists, energy experts, and health professionals to present mitigation and adaptation policies necessary to protect human health from climate change, and promote sustainable development. The Commission is truly interdisciplinary and international, consisting a tripartite collaboration between University College London, Tsinghua University, and the Stockholm Resilience Centre.
Topics will include:
- Climate Science & Health Impacts
- Resilience & Adaptation
- Energy & Technical Solutions
- Finance & Economics
- Political Mechanisms
Check back here daily for updates on the latest blogs and follow us on Twitter for regular updates:
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
Monday 3 March
Climate Crisis: Emergency Actions to Protect Human Health
Blog by Nick Watts, Head of Project, UCL-Lancet Commission, (Global Health Officer,
Australian Medical Students Association)
Join the conversation: Follow Nick on Twitter
Climate change, extreme events and human health
Blog by Professor Georgina Mace, Centre for Biodiversity & Environment Research (CBER), UCL
Join the conversation: Follow Georgina on Twitter
The impact of human-driven climate change on human health
Blog by Phoebe Lewis, UCL-Energy MSc student
Join the conversation: Follow Phoebe on Twitter
Tuesday 4 March
Developing countries and climate change
Blog by Dan Kerr, Research Associate at UCL-Energy
Climate, resilience and adaptation
Blog by Victor Galaz; Associate Professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University). Commissioners of WG2 of the Lancet Commission
Join the conversation: Follow Victor on Twitter
How Community Architecture may help Decarbonisation
Blog by Tia Kansara, UCL-Energy PhD student
Join the conversation: Follow Tia on Twitter
Cities in the Global South: A healthy climate for development?
Blog by Mitakshi Sirsi, MSc Environmental Design and Engineering, Bartlett School of Graduate Studies
Join the conversation: Follow Mitakshi on Twitter
Wednesday 5 March
Climate Change and Water – A Link to Engender Action?
Blog by Paul Drummond, UCL ISR Researcher
Join the conversation: Follow Paul on Twitter
Climate Change and Water: Stores have a response in store
Blog by Simon Damkjaer, UCL ISR PhD student
Climate + Water: Living with Flooding
Blog by Sofie Pelsmakers, PhD student at UCL-Energy
Join the conversation: Follow Sofie on Twitter
Understanding the impact of climate change mitigation on health
Blog by Ian Hamilton, Lecturer and Senior Research Associate in Energy Epidemiology, UCL-Energy
Developing countries and climate change
Blog by Dan Kerr, Research Associate at UCL-Energy
Thursday 6 March
Climate Change and Resources
Blog by Alex Zardis, Student at the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies
“Half the work, twice the effect” – from a Chinese proverb to the cost-effective responses to the climate crisis
Blog by Wenjia Cai, UCL Lancet Commission
Are carbon sinks just another natural resource?
Blog by Stijn Van Ewijk, PhD student, UCL ISR
Join the conversation: Follow Stijn on Twitter
90% of electricity is consumed by buildings – Case study in HK and what the government did
Blog by Ivan Poon, UCL-Energy student
Everything we do contributes to climate change
Blog by Carrie Behar, UCL-Energy PhD student
Join the conversation: Follow Carrie on Twitter
Keeping people on the agenda
By Faye Wade, on 7 March 2014
Join the conversation: Follow Faye on Twitter
Video: Climate Change and Resource Use
by Stijn Van Ewijk and Seyed Medhi Mohaghegh, UCL ISR PhD students
Join the conversation: Follow Stijn on Twitter & Follow Seyed on Twitter