Blog post: Water resources - a slippery issue
15 January 2013
UCL ISR research associate, Paul Drummond, writes about some of the challenges facing the UN as it embarks on its 'International Year on Water Cooperation':
"This Christmas saw widespread flooding across the UK, bringing to a close a year which the Met Office describes as the ‘second wettest’ since records began – despite a prolonged drought in South-East England over the summer.
Although these events appear extreme in the UK, all over the world the extreme lack, and equally the extreme over-abundance of water is causing untold suffering and strife – from prolonged drought in West Africa to widespread floods in Pakistan.
In response to this global issue, the UN has designated 2013 as the ‘International Year on Water Co-Operation’. The aim is to raise global awareness of the challenges faced in water management, along with the potential for co-operation to overcome these challenges. At first glance, ambition seems lacking – no revolutionary changes are promised. However, when the issues present are considered, there is ambition enough.