Managing embodied emissions to improve global climate governance
02 July 2019, 5:00 pm–7:30 pm
Event Information
Open to
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- Yes
Nino Jordan
225Central House14 Upper Woburn PlaceLondonWC1H 0NN
London has the opportunity to become the globally leading centre of low carbon architecture, including the emissions from building materials. Addressing 'embodied' emissions in the built environment also helps to stimulate the production of more and better information on the emissions embodied in products more generally. Such information can help to address carbon emissions from the consumption side, for example by including consumption in carbon pricing schemes. By seeking leadership in addressing embodied emissions, London can contribute towards making the global climate change policy architecture more effective.
This event uniquely examines how architectural and procurement decisions can contribute to the success of wider global climate change action.
With Nino David Jordan, UCL; Simon Sturgis, Targeting Zero; and other industry speakers (tba)