Romain Svartzman is a Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose (IIPP).

His recent and ongoing research includes: developing scenarios of ecological transition (including geopolitical factors, particularly with regard to critical metals) and assessing their macrofinancial implications; and exploring reforms of the international monetary and financial system/architecture through institutionalist and IPE (international political economy) approaches.
He completed his PhD in ecological macroeconomics at McGill University (Canada). He also holds a master’s degree in Finance from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) and a degree in Economics and Law of Climate Change from FLACSO Argentina.
Romain previously worked as: a senior economist for the Banque de France (until 2024); an environmental risk management officer for the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group); and an investor in 'green’ technologies for a French venture capital firm.
Research Summary
Romain’s work focuses on assessing how the financial system is both exposed to and contributing to nature-related financial risks (NRFR), including climate- and biodiversity-related ones. His work starts from the premises that traditional monetary and supervisory policy tools need to be adapted to account for the peculiar nature of these risks, including: the question of double-materiality; the deep/radical uncertainty and multiple time horizons at stake; and the fact that addressing ecological risks demands a structural change that central banks and financial regulators/supervisors will not be able to address on their own. As a result, his research emphasizes interdisciplinary work (including with ecological experts) and institutionalist perspectives, in order provide scientifically-, historically- and geographically-informed insights into the possible forms of policy coordination needed to address current ecological crises.
This leads him to work on varied yet related topics such as: the assessment of economic and financial models currently used to assess climate-related financial risks; the integration of ecological (non-financial) tools and metrics into financial supervision and monetary policy; the relationships between global ecological degradations and financialization; the role of money and ‘natural capital’ in macroeconomic models; the reforms of the international monetary and financial system potentially needed to enable a global ecological transition.
Selected publications
- Book
• Bolton, P., Després, M., Pereira da Silva, L. A., Samama, F., Svartzman, R. (2020). “The Green Swan: Central Banking in the Age of Climate Change” (2020). Bank for International Settlements Books.
- Peer-reviewed journals
• Oman, W., Salin, M., Svartzman, R. (corresponding author) (2024). “Three Tales of Central Banking and Financial Supervision for the Ecological Transition”. WIREs Climate Change WIREs Climate Change, e876.
• Salin, M., Hadji-Lazaro, P., Svartzman R., et al. (2024). “A “Silent Spring” for the Financial System? Exploring Biodiversity-Related Financial Risks in France”. Ecological Economics (forthcoming. Fully accepted and under editing).
• Oustry, A., Erkan, B., Svartzman, R., Weber, P.-F. (2022). “Climate-related Risks and Central Banks’ Collateral Policy: a Methodological Experiment”. Revue Economique 73 (2), 173-218.
• Althouse, J., Svartzman, R. (2022). “Bringing Subordinated Financialization Down to Earth”. Cambridge Journal of Economics, beac018,
• Svartzman, R., Bolton, P., Després, M., Pereira da Silva, L., Samama, F. (2021). “Central banks, financial stability and policy coordination in the age of climate uncertainty: A three-layered analytical and operational framework”. Climate Policy 21 (4), 563-580.
• Svartzman, R., Althouse, J. (2020). “Greening the International Monetary System? Not without addressing the political ecology of global imbalances”. Review of International Political Economy 29 (3), 844-869.
• Bolton, P., Després, M., Pereira da Silva, L. A., Samama, F., Svartzman, R. (2020). “Penser la stabilité financière à l’ère des risques écologiques globaux – Vers de nouveaux arbitrages entre efficience et résilience des systèmes complexes”. Revue d’Economie Financière 138, 43-54.
• Svartzman, R., Dron, D., Espagne, E. (2019). “From Ecological Macroeconomics to a Theory of Endogenous Money for a Finite Planet”. Ecological Economics 162 (C), 108-120.- Working papers
• Espagne, E., Mercure, J-F., Oman, W., Svartzman, R., Volz, U., Pollitt, H., Semieniuk, G., Campiglio, E. (2023). “Cross-Border Risks of a Global Economy in Mid-Transition”. IMF Working Paper No. 2023/184.
• Miller, H., Dikau, S., Svartzman, R., Dees, S. (2023). “The stumbling block in ‘the race of our lives’: transition-critical materials, financial risks and the NGFS climate scenarios”. Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy Working Paper 417/Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Working Paper 393. London School of Economics and Political Science.
• Almeida, E., Dikau, S., Robins, N., Stampe, J., Svartzman, R., Viegas, T., Volz, U. (2022). “Beyond climate: addressing financial risks from nature and biodiversity loss”. LSE Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, INSPIRE Sustainable Central Banking Toolbox, Paper no. 9.
• Boissinot, J., Goulard, S., Le Calvar, E., Salin, M., Svartzman, R., Weber, P.-F. (2022). “Aligning financial and monetary policies with the concept of double materiality: rationales, proposals and challenges”. LSE Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, INSPIRE Sustainable Central Banking Toolbox, Paper no. 5.
• Svartzman, R. et al. (2021). “A “Silent Spring” for the Financial System? Exploring Biodiversity-Related Financial Risks in France”. Banque de France Working Paper no. 826.
• Oustry, A., Erkan, B., Svartzman, R., Weber, P.-F. (2020). “Climate-related Risks and Central Banks’ Collateral Policy: a Methodological Experiment”. Banque de France Working Paper no. 790.
• Allen, T., […], Svartzman, R., Vernet, L. (2020). “Climate-Related Scenarios for Financial Stability Assessment: An Application to France”. Banque de France Working Paper no. 774.- Book chapters
• Althouse, J., Svartzman, R. (2024). “Prospects and roadblocks to a “sustainable” international monetary and financial system”. In: Jager, J., Dziwok, E. (Eds), Understanding Green Finance – A Critical Assessment and Alternative Perspectives, Edward Elgar, pp. 182-199.
• Espagne, E., Godin, A., Svartzman, R. (2023). “Ecological macroeconomics”. In: Rochon, L. P., Rossi, S. (Eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics, Edward Elgar, pp. 123-124.
• Oman, W., Salin, M., Svartzman, R. (2022). “Contending Views on the Role of Central Banks in the Age of Climate Change: A Review of the Litterature”. In: Kappes, S., Rochon, L. P., Vallet, G. (Eds), The Future of Central Banking, Edward Elgar, pp. 151-174.
• Svartzman, R. (2022). “Monetary and Financial Policies for an Ecological Transition: An overview of central banks’ actions and some reflections on post-Keynesian insights”. In: Kappes, S., Rochon, L. P., Vallet, G. (Eds), Central Banking, Monetary Policy and the Environment, Edward Elgar, pp. 90-109.
• Svartzman, R., Ament, J., Barmes, D., Erickson, J. D., Farley, J., Guay-Boutet, C., Kosoy, N. (2020). “Money, interest rates and accumulation on a finite planet – Revisiting the ‘monetary growth imperative’ through institutionalist approaches”. In: Costanza, R., Erickson, J., Farley, J., Kubiszewski, I. (Eds.), Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics, Edward Elgar, pp. 266-283.- Other academic publications
• Paul, Q., Svartzman, R., Weber, P.-F. (2023). “Debt-for-nature swaps: a two-fold solution for environmental and debt sustainability in developing countries ?” Banque de France Bulletin 244/2 (January-February).
• Salin, M., Svartzman, R. et al. (2021). “Biodiversity loss and financial stability: a new frontier for central banks and financial supervisors ?”. Banque de France Bulletin 237 (7).
• Bolton, P., Després, M., Pereira da Silva, L. A., Samama, F., Svartzman, R. (2020). “Quel rôle pour les banques centrales face aux risques climatiques et autres « Cygnes Verts » ?”. Regards Croisés sur l’Economie 26, pp. 110-122.
• Bolton, P., Després, M., Pereira da Silva, L. A., Samama, F., Svartzman, R. (2020). “Green Swans: central banks in the age of climate-related risks”. Banque de France Bulletin 229 (8).
• Meyer, A., Fleurot, G., Svartzman, R. (2012). “Cause(s) for Action”: The Kiobel Reader on Corporate Liability for (Aiding and Abetting) Human Rights Violations”. Peace and Human Rights 3. Universita di Padova, Italy.
• Ryan, D., Svartzman, R. (Research Assistant) (2016). “The design of climate institutions: Contributions for the Analysis”. Ambiente e Sociedade 19 (4).- Other non-academic publications
• Paul, Q., Svartzman, R., Weber, P.-F. (2023). “Debt-for-nature swaps: a two-fold solution for environmental and debt sustainability in developing countries ?” SUERF Policy Brief, No 592.
• Salin, M., […], Svartzman, R. (2022). “Comment évaluer l’impact du recul de la biodiversité sur le système financier français ?”. The Conversation, February 21.
• Salin, M., Svarzman, R. et al. (2022). “Biodiversity loss and financial stability”. Banque de France Eco Notepad, Post no. 248.
• Oman, W., Svartzman, R. (2021). “What Justifies Sustainable Finance Measures ? Financial-Economic Interactions and Possible Implications for Policymakers”. CESifo Forum 22 (3), 3-11.
• Oustry, A., Erkan, B., Svartzman, R., Weber, P.-F. (2021). “Climate-related Risks and Central Banks’ Collateral Policy: a Methodological Experiment”. Banque de France Eco Notepad, Post no. 210.
• Oustry, A., Erkan, B., Svartzman, R., Weber, P.-F. (2021). “Climate-related Risks and Central Banks’ Collateral Policy: a Methodological Experiment”. SUERF Policy Brief No. 94 (May)
• Bolton, P., Després, M., Pereira da Silva, L. A., Samama, F., Svartzman, R. (2020). “Financial Stability in the Age of Global and Systemic Ecological Risks (“Green Swans”)”. In: Carius, A., Gordon, N., Risi, L. (Eds.), 21st Century Diplomary: Foreign Policy is Climate Policy. Wilson Center, pp. 96-105.
• Després, M., Svartzman, R. (2020). “Le Covid-19 d’abord et le climat après ? Pas si simple – Liens entre risques sanitaires et environnementaux”. Covid-19 et économie, les clés pour comprendre, Banque de France (April 15).
• Dron, D., Espagne, E., Svartzman, R. (2020). “Une monnaie au service des communs ?” Esprit 462, 82-88.
• Svartzman, R. (2015). “¿Qué estudia la economía ambiental y cuál es difierencia con la economía ecológica?” Ambiente y Comercio, FLACSO (September 2).
• Svartzman, R. (2011). “La filière bois et forêts : un marché porteur mais peu recherché”. Action Future 39 (April).
• Svartzman , R. (2010). “La filière bois, un vaste potentiel”. Patrimoine et Marchés 15 (December), 42-43.- Contribution to institutional reports
• Co-Coordinator – NGFS (2023). « Recommendations toward the development of scenarios for assessing nature-related economic and financial risks ».
• Contributor – Banque de France (2022). « Evaluation des Risques Financiers du système financier français ».
• Co-coordinator – NGFS (2021). “Biodiversity and Financial Stability: Building the Case for Action”. NGFS Occasional Paper. October.
• Co-coordinator – NGFS (2021). “Biodiversity and Financial Stability: Exploring the Case for Action”. NGFS Occasional Paper. June.
• Contributor – OECD (2021). “Discussion Note: Financial markets and climate transition”. OECD Committee on Financial Markets Delegate Case Studies (Section on Banque de France case study).
• Contributor – Financial Stability Board (2020). “The implications of climate change for financial stability”.
• Contributor – NGFS Technical document (2020). “Overview of Environmental Risk Analysis by Financial Institutions”. Network for Greening the Financial System. September.
• Contributor – NGFS Technical document (2020). “A Status Report on Financial Institutions’ Experiences from working with green, non green and brown financial assets and a potential risk differential”. Network for Greening the Financial System. May.
• Contributor – The World Bank (2012). “Doing Business in Hargeisa”. Subnational Doing Business.