Mobilising local action to address 21st century challenges
This policy brief by IIPP senior researcher Ryan Bellinson summarises considerations on mission-oriented innovations in cities to address the critical urban challenges of the 21st century.

31 March 2022
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) policy brief series: IIPP PB 19
This policy brief summarises considerations on mission-oriented innovations in cities to address the critical urban challenges of the 21st century, from housing affordability to resilient mobility systems to climate adaptation, exploring how local governments must develop the dynamic capabilities needed to shape their economic development towards societal goals and overcome the institutional shortcomings that have traditionally stymied strategic urban planning.
Ryan Bellinson | Senior Research Fellow in Cities, Climate and Innovation, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
Bellinson, R. (2022). Mobilising local action to address 21st century challenges: Considerations for mission-oriented innovation in cities. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Policy Brief series (IIPP PB 19).