
The Bartlett School of Planning


UCL SDG Research Accelerator

The UCL SDG Research Accelerator was established in 2022 to undertake challenge-driven and transdisciplinary research in order to advance the understanding and implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through a science-to-policy-and-back lens.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. The UCL SDG Research Accelerator is a research-led, transdisciplinary initiative that aims to align climate (SDG13), health (SDG3) and urban (SDG11) goals in partnership with relevant stakeholders in society (SDG17) and in synergy with the other SDGs. The Accelerator is defined by cutting-edge built environment research that is informed by scientific, policy and industry knowledge and responds to current societal challenges. It undertakes three types of activities:

  • Primary RESEARCH – which is transdisciplinary and challenge-driven. 
  • Policy IMPACT – by providing scientific evidence within local, national and international policymaking processes.
  • Public DIALOGUES – that supports knowledge transfer and exchanges outside the academia. 

Find out more below and get involved! 

UCL SDG Research Accelerator NEW

Be the accelerator

Are you a UCL researcher working on SDG3 (health), SDG11 (urban), SDG13 (climate) and/or SDG17 (partnerships) goals or targets? Would you like to engage with the Accelerator? Tell us about your research here. 

If you're a researcher outside of UCL and would like to get in touch with us, please contact catalina.turcu@ucl.ac.uk.