How have young people adapted during the pandemic? Prof Lauren Andres leads research
30 June 2023
The first report from the Panex-Youth research project entitled 'The Impact of COVID-19 on Education, Food & Play-Leisure and Related Adaptations for Children and Young People' was published on Monday, 26 June 2023.

Photo credits: All photos were taken by members of the PANEX team in the UK, South Africa and Brazil.
Read the report on the Panex-Youth website
About the project
Panex-Youth is one of 18 projects funded by the T-AP Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World Call. The research project will span two years (2022-24) with an aim to understand how young people adapted during the pandemic and to assess the wider impact of such processes of adaptations in South Africa, Brazil and the UK (England). To do so, the team focus on food, education, and play/leisure, embedded within a wider understanding of the living settings (local places) and home/personal contexts (household composition and home/personal life). The findings of the research aim to support global recovery and renewal, and to enhance the resilience of society in a post-pandemic world.
About the team
The Panex-Youth research comprises a multi-disciplinary team of experienced researchers and early-career scholars.
Each country/university's lead:
South Africa
- University of the Free State: Dr. Abraham Matamanda (PI) & Dr Stuart Denoon-Stevens _ Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences.
- University of Fort Hare: Dr Lejone John Ntema.
- Universidad e de São Paulo: Dr. Leandro Giatti (PI)
UK (England)
- University College London: Prof. Lauren Andres (PI), Bartlett School of Planning
- University of Birmingham: Prof. Peter Kraftl, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Read more about the project on the Panex- Youth website.