MSc UDCP alumn contributes to Bame in Property blog
27 January 2021
Harpriya Chaggar wrote the piece 'Confronting 'Race' In The Built Environment Profession' for Bame in Property.
Harpriya Chaggar has contributed an important blog about confronting race in the built environment to Bame in Property. Harpriya was previously enrolled on our MSc in Urban Design and City Planning. In her final year, Harpriya’s projects focused on the significance of ethnic minorities in building healthy, sustainable communities. Using her thesis, she confronts the challenges in discussing ‘race’ in the built environment industry and how this has had major limitations on the quality of life for BIPoC communities.
There is sensitivity in using the term 'Black' as a way to identify an individual of Black origin... Diversity should be celebrated, not disguised.“
Read the full article on the BAME in Property website.